Always Right.
99% of the time.
Consumer branding, inspirational messaging, internet marketing, and all around killer products is WHAT we do.
Marketing strategy, business plans,
and creative products are HOW.
Crankshaft is not if.
It's Right Now.
Yes, Seriously.
“The design was not designed to be redesigned.”
Who cares about you anyway pal?
Right now you're looking to turn some heads - get some action in the business scene. Yeah right you are, you have tried before maybe? Didn't work out well, or just haven't had the drive to make it happen. Hell, maybe you just don't know anybody.
We see it all the time.
Tears are flowing right now for you, honestly. So what can you do about it? We mean like, epic good-looking brands and kick-ass materials that make walls fall and the very mountains crack, Jack. Of course you do. Frankly - oh, can we call you Frank? We might be able to help you out.
There's a lot of crap out there.
But you already knew that, didn't ya?
Sometimes you have to flush the toilette of "what is adequate" and wipe up the competition in order to succeed. There's a word for that. Ambition.
Pardon our French, but now enter what the French like to call, "Le Crank".
And "Le CRANK" you shall with crankshaft banging out
your next awesomeness, whatever that might be.
Want to look better? Want to land that sales contract? Get your stuff on the shelf and sell the crap out of it? Money? Power? RULE THE UNIVERSE?!!? MWHA!! Whoa, we tend to think conquest-level at Crankshaft. Can't help that Charlie, but that's why you came here, isn't it, Steve?
Got something to say? Then for hell's sake say it. Say it loud. Say it clear. And you better say it well. Oh yeah - AND here’s a tip: Nobody is going to remember what you say.